Cafe Project

8:00:00 AM

Another studio design architecture 2 assignment, "Designing a Cafe"
These below are some of my friends project on my group. Enjoy them :D

28 206
By : Bryan Reinhard

28 205
By : Hanief

28 203
By : Eka Kristiliani

28 202
By : Sandhika Adlisia

28 200
By : Fahma

28 199
By : Fathoni

28 196
By : Lala Rizky


And the last one is mine, i got Legendary Music as the concept. Using some of music legend pics on the wall. Personally, this is my favorite design ever, the concept is definately so mine..
Now i'm on the way for the other designing project, it's Kids Library wish me luck..

p.s : sorry for the bad photos, i didn't use my canny to capture :(

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